Saturday, August 12, 2023

Brief Tornado Track Found In Limestone County From Thursday Morning


NOUS44 KHUN 111859



Public Information Statement

National Weather Service Huntsville AL

159 PM CDT Fri Aug 11 2023

...NWS Damage Survey for 08/10/2023 Tornado Event...

.Brigadoon Tornado...

Rating:                 EF0

Estimated Peak Wind:    85 mph

Path Length /statute/:  3.6657 miles

Path Width /maximum/:   225.0 yards

Fatalities:             0

Injuries:               0

Start Date:             08/10/2023

Start Time:             02:23 AM CDT

Start Location:         7 ESE Rogersville / Limestone County / AL

Start Lat/Lon:          34.7609 / -87.1764

End Date:               08/10/2023

End Time:               02:28 AM CDT

End Location:           7 NNE Hillsboro / Limestone County / AL

End Lat/Lon:            34.736 / -87.1202

Survey Summary:

A National Weather Service and Limestone County EMA survey team

assessed damage in far Southwestern Limestone County which was

associated with a line of severe thunderstorms early in the

morning of 8/10/2023.  Damage was consistent with a high-end EF-

0 tornado with maximum winds of 85 mph.  The tornado was on the

ground for approximately 5 minutes and had a maximum width of

225 yards.  Damage indicators were a mix of softwood and hardwood

trees. The tornado formed on the northern shore of Wheeler Lake

on Davis Rd. Several trees were uprooted along with very large,

snapped branches. One home sustained damage in this area as a

tree fell on the back side of the structure. While the tree

looked snapped, the health of the tree looked to be in question

which likely led to its quick failure. The tornado then crossed

an inlet and uprooted several more trees along Beechwood Rd,

before continuing to the Brigadoon neighborhood.  Significant and

more widespread tree damage was noted in this neighborhood as

trees were uprooted, power poles knocked down, and large branches

snapped. The tornado continued to follow the northern shore of

Wheeler Lake/TN River but began weakening. Damage, much less

widespread compared to areas further west, was observed along

Beech Fork Ln and sporadic tree damage through Shaw Rd. The

tornado likely lifted just east of Shaw Rd.


EF Scale: The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes into the

following categories:

EF0...Weak......65 to 85 mph

EF1...Weak......86 to 110 mph

EF2...Strong....111 to 135 mph

EF3...Strong....136 to 165 mph

EF4...Violent...166 to 200 mph

EF5...Violent...>200 mph


The information in this statement is preliminary and subject to

change pending final review of the event and publication in NWS

Storm Data.


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